Unable to Locate Entity ID
We automatically attempt to retrieve information related to your charity filing/certificate of registration based on your tax ID. If we were unable to retrieve information, it is most likely because you have not submitted a charity filing yet and so do not have a valid Certificate of Registration. Most organizations that participate in ColoradoGives.org are required to have a valid Certificate of Registration. Below is a link to the Colorado Secretary of State’s website related to filing a new charity registration:
- How to file a new charity registration: https://www.coloradosos.gov/pubs/charities/instructions/charity/registration.html
If your organization is classified as a church, which we define as having a foundation code of 10 on its IRS Business Master File record, then it is not required to have a Certificate of Registration. You can learn how to validate your foundation code here. All other organizations are required to have a valid Certificate of Registration in order to participate in ColoradoGives.org.
Info Unverified/Not Valid/Unable to Locate Current Filing
This means we are able to locate your information in the Colorado Secretary of State Charity database, but it is no longer valid. You will need to resolve the issue with the Charities and Fundraisers Division of the Colorado Secretary of State’s office. Below are links to the Colorado Secretary of State’s website related to reinstating, renewing, or requesting an extension for your registration:
- How to reinstate an expired charity registration: https://www.coloradosos.gov/pubs/charities/instructions/charity/reinstatement2.html
- How to renew/update an existing charity registration: https://www.coloradosos.gov/pubs/charities/instructions/charity/renew.html
- How to request an extension on your charity registration: https://www.coloradosos.gov/pubs/charities/instructions/charity/extensions.html