Fundraising takes many forms. We understand that you may receive checks or cash in-person to count towards your fundraiser’s goal, too. While does not process these donations, organizations have the ability to display them in the fundraiser total or organization metrics.
For this reason, you can use the Offline Donations feature on your organization’s campaign or organization profile page. Please note: This is simply to act as a display feature. These funds are not processed through and do not count towards the Colorado Gives Day incentive fund. There are no donation fees associated with offline donations.
Adding an offline donation
Before you add your offline donation, distinguish whether you would like this added to your general fund (organization profile page) or a specific campaign page.
Once you have done so, go to that page.
- If it's an organization page, on the left hand side dashboard, select "Reports" and then select "Offline Donations."
To add an offline donation, select "Add offline donation" or select the + icon on the dashboard next to "Offline donations."
- If you are on a specific campaign page, on the left hand side dashboard, select the Donation Icon, then click on “Donation Report.”
Once your campaign donation report appears, click on the “Add offline donation” text with the grey plus icon next to it.
The offline donation input box will appear. You will be able to enter key information such as the donor name, email address, the source (ie. cash, check, corporate, match, etc.), and notes about the donation. The information provided will be viewable in the downloaded offline donations report.
Be sure to click “Complete Donation” to add it to your display!
[The External Tracking Id is an optional value that can be provided to assist in reconciling and tracking your offline donations with other internal systems. This can be a string of any characters or text and will be included on your offline donation reporting. Text limit is 255 characters.]
Once you complete the donation it will be added to your campaign's display thermometer and your organization's displayed metrics for supporters to see.
To review more detailed information on these donations, click the download icon to export this information into an excel sheet.
If there are multiple offline donations you would like to import, you can do so through the Advanced Plan. You learn how to import offline donations here.
Editing/Removing an Offline Donation
It’s not possible to edit an offline donation. But, that’s OK! You can just delete the old one and add a new one in its place.
To delete an offline donation, select the tool icon next to the corresponding donation:
A message will ask you to confirm that you want to delete the offline donation:
Then, just add a new offline donation with the amended information by following the steps above.
Still having trouble? Contact our support team at here for more help!