The first section of your organization dashboard is "Overview."
This screen will contain some key metrics for your nonprofit so you can get a quick update on what’s been happening on in the past 30 days, 90 days, or year.
At the top of your Overview page, you can pick and choose what metrics you would like displayed within your Overview:
At the bottom of your overview, you'll see additional metrics for your organization to review and utilize:
At the top right corner of your Overview, you can export the information into a .csv file or refresh the metrics listed on your page.
If you would like the metrics to be refreshed frequently, you can choose how often the metrics are refreshed while you have it open:
Also at the top of your overview, you’ll also see a To-Do List that lets you know what you can do to begin to complete your nonprofit’s profile. This is a great way to become acquainted with the platform.
Once you select To-do List, a popup of your To-Do List will appear:
We’ll also be sharing important news and updates to the platform that nonprofit admins need to know on your Overview screen.