On the left hand side dashboard, select "Organization Page."
On your organization page you will be able to add your goal and progress bar.
To add in your goal and progress bar, please make sure that your profile page is set to edit mode. Make sure to toggle your "Edit mode" tool to the right. This will enable all of your editing tools and features.
Once you have your editing mode turned on, scroll down underneath your organization name.
If you would like to enable fundraising metrics and/or edit your displayed metrics on top of your goal bar, select the pencil icon to the right of the metrics.
A metrics menu will open. You can choose to display the amount raised and the number of donors. Here you will also select whether or not to include offline donations in your display.
When editing your metrics, please note the "Calculation method." The date listed in this area will determine what donations will be included in your metrics, goal, and progress bar. However, you may want to change this metrics calculation — for instance, at the beginning of a new calendar year, or if you are preparing your profile to participate in a giving event. For a giving event, you’ll want to start counting from the date when donations open for the event.
If you want donations to be calculated from a particular date, select "Start calculation on a specific date" and enter your date and time.
Adding and editing the goal and progress bar will be a similar process. To add the goal bar select '+Goal' below the page metrics.
The goal bar will appear. To edit the goal amount or remove the goal bar, select the pencil icon at the right end of the goal bar.
A dropdown menu will appear with the option to edit your goal or remove the goal bar. You can edit your goal as often as you need.
If you choose to add or edit your goal amount, be sure to click 'Save.'