Will offline donations be included in my match?
Yes! When creating your matching grant, one of the conditions automatically enabled is that offline donations will be included in your match. This means that any offline donation you add in ColoradoGives.org will be added towards your match.
If you do not want this enabled, you can edit your match and unselect that option.
How do I close a matching grant?
Your grants will close automatically once they’ve been fulfilled on ColoradoGives.org. To manually close your matching grant, go to the Matching Grants section on your left hand-side dashboard and click the stop icon.
Once you select the stop icon, you will be asked to confirm if you want your match close.
Oh no! I forgot to enter my matching grant! What do I do?
First, don’t panic! Our matching grants tool allows you to back date matches. Follow the steps here to enter your matching grant, but when choosing your date, back date it to when your matching grant should have started. The matching grants tool will automatically apply to grant to donations made during the time you specify.
I’m participating in an Event and/or Team fundraiser and have a matching grant on my page. I set the matching grants tool to add my matching grant to my metrics, and my page is correct, but the total on my team’s leaderboard is different. What’s happening?
Event and/or Team leaderboards do not take matching grants into account. If you are creating a match on an event or team fundraising page and would like to the leaderboards to include your match, you may want to consider opting out of adding the matching grant to your metrics and instead adding the match as one offline donation. That will ensure the leaderboard is able to account for your matching grant.
(Please note that if you are participating in an event or team, the organizer of the campaign must have chosen to include offline donations, so if your offline donations are not being included your organizer may have not enabled offline donations!)
My grantor got an email asking them to pay the grant, but they’ve already paid my nonprofit. Why did they receive this email?
ColoradoGives.org sends an email to the email address you enter in the matching grants tool alerting the grantor that the grant has been fulfilled and prompting them to pay on ColoradoGives.org. If they’ve settled the grant with you off the platform, no problem! Just tell them to disregard that email.
The totals on my page are off! Why is it showing that I’ve raised more money than I have?
Most likely, you opted to include your matching grant in your metrics. When you do that, the match will be added to your metrics with each donation. So, if you have a $1,000 matching grant and someone makes a $50 donation, $50 would be added to your total. (Conversely, $50 would be removed from the amount available on your grants summary table.) When you choose to add the match in your metrics, it’s not added in one lump sum after the grant is fulfilled, it’s added donation by donation.
Why isn’t my matching grant included in my leaderboard total for a giving event I’m participating in?
For Colorado Gives Day we do not include offline donations in leaderboard totals, your match value will only be added to leaderboard totals if your grantor fulfills their match online. If you want to ensure that your matching grant helps you on a giving day, encourage your grantor to complete their donation through the Giving Event site.