The fundraiser templates tool provides organizations the easy ability to set fundraising templates for supporters. With templates, peer-to-peer fundraising is easier and seamless.
To get started with building your template, make sure you are logged in with your administrative account and head over to your organization profile page.
On the left-hand side dashboard, select "Fundraising Tools." A sub-menu will open up, select "Fundraiser Templates."
You can create a fundraiser template through the "+Create" icon.
Within the template, you can pick and choose what information you want to provide your supporters. There are no required fields so you can add as much or as little information as you want.
The fields available are: Fundraiser title, Funding goal, Fundraiser image, Short story, Story
Once you have completed your template, select "Create Template." Please note, you can always go back and edit your template so this isn't the last time you can make changes.
Once you have selected "Create Template" you will be taken back to the fundraiser template area. You should now see your template added to this section.
Your template will automatically be used as the default template. This means that any individual that creates a fundraiser for your organization, will be given the option to use your default template:
To stop it from being used automatically, toggle its state by clicking on the star on the left.
To have the default turned off, make sure the star is hallow or not highlighted.
Please note, when not the default, the template can still be used via the link from the "Copy link" button on the right.
As a nonprofit on Colorado Gives you have the ability to set multiple templates and choose which template they would like to be the default. Creating multiple templates is a great opportunity to create specific templates for each type of supporter (ie. Board Member, Volunteer, etc.)
If you ever want to delete your template, simply select the delete icon next to the template.
If you have any further questions about fundraiser templates, please contact support here.