To get started on creating your team fundraising page, head to the
Team Fundraising Page as Part of an Event
If you are creating a team page for an event, you'll want to go to the event page and select "Join this Event"
A popup will appear, select "Create a Team."
This will automatically connect your team page with the event.
Stand Alone Team Fundraising Page
If you are creating a team fundraising page that is not a part of an event, go to
Our Fundraising Solutions page will open up, here you can learn more about the different fundraising pages you can create on our platform and select the type that's right for your campaign.
Scroll to the bottom and select "Create a Team"
A pop up will open confirming your selection.
Select "Get Started."
Next, you will need to decide whether you’d like your team to support a single cause or multiple causes.
This depends on what kind of campaign you’re running. Are you a nonprofit employee organizing your volunteers to fundraise together? Then you’ll click "Singe beneficiary,” because you want all of your team members to raise money for your nonprofit. Are you spearheading a holiday fundraising effort for your company and don’t have any particular cause in mind? Then you’ll click “Multiple beneficiaries,” because you want your team members to pick their own cause. Think about the kind of team you want to create and why you’re raising money, and choose accordingly.
There are a few more variables here that you’ll want to consider, as you’ll see on the next screen, because we also allow team fundraising for personal causes. But don’t worry, none of these choices are engraved in stone, so you can just click back if you need to change your mind.
If you choose “Multiple Beneficiaries”…
You’ll need to decide whether you’d like to limit your team members to charitable causes, or whether you’d like to allow personal causes as well.
If you want to limit your fundraising activities to charitable organizations, but allow each team member to pick any organization they’d like to support, you’ll keep the switch turned on to "Charitable causes only"
There are plenty of situations when you might want to allow personal fundraisers. So, if you’d like to allow for some flexibility in what kinds of fundraisers may be part of your team campaign, you’ll turn off the switch.
If you choose “Single Beneficiary”…
You will need to specify for which charity you’re creating a team. (At this time, single-cause teams are only available for charities.)
Search for the charity’s name — it should pop up below the field where you type the name.
You’ll be able to see the location of the charity as well as their Employer Identification Number, or EIN. This is a nine digit number that is unique to each charity and tied to their tax-exempt status.
Both of these can be used to make sure you’re choosing the correct charity. If you’re starting a team for a chapter of a national organization or a charity with a common name, such as a humane society, you’ll want to check both the location and the EIN to ensure that you’re choosing the right one. We can’t move your team over to support another charity if you’ve already chosen one and started raising money, so it’s important to make sure you’ve chosen the right one!
After you’ve made those important decisions, that’s it! Select "Launch Team Manager" and you can start customizing your team page.
For step-by-step guides on how to design your page and utilize all of our event tools, check out How to Make Your Team Page Awesome and Managing Your Team on