Once you have created your fundraising page, you'll notice that the "Donate" button on your page is inactive and greyed out.
In order to share your fundraising page and have your donate button active, you must "Publish" the page on the platform.
Before publishing your page, you'll have to fill out and complete a couple of easy steps:
As you'll notice, all of these steps can be completed through the "Page Editor" area of your dashboard.
Fill out your Title
To enter your fundraiser title, select "Title" on your Page Editor menu. Your title should make it immediately clear what and for whom you’re fundraising for. The maximum character length for your title is 50.
Once you have entered your title, hit "Save."
Compose a Description
To add a description, select "Description" on your Page Editor menu. This is where you tell your story: What your mission is, what you do, and why people should donate to your campaign.
Upload an Image or a Video
On every fundraising page, a primary image or video is required. Additionally images and videos can be added within your Description, however you must at least include a primary image/video.
To add an image/video, select "Image/Video" on your Page Editor menu. This will allow you to upload an image. The recommended image size is 77 0x 570 pixels.
Set a Duration
Your duration will tell donors how long they have to donate until the campaign ends. If your duration doesn't have a hard stop date, set it a date in the future and you can always come back and edit that date. Once your fundraiser hits your end date, your campaign will not close! The duration tool is simply a visual tool for donors. It won't affect your donation button.
Once you have completed all of those steps, you will automatically be shown the ability to publish your fundraiser:
If you have any questions or need any assistance, please contact our support team here.